this is the future image map

Lost Stories of National Service

13 december 2004 - 6 march 2005 in His Majesty's service

Location: Alor Star, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia


Reuben, the Orthodox Brethren

Reuben is my pal from NS that's just over four feet tall. He's even shorter than 4"6 ;)

But he's a man of a great heart to serve God. He really knows the Word.

But like all humans, he has his faults: he struggles with smoking.

He's been struggling since Standard 3.

How can we blame him, white-washed walls and unclean filthy sepulchres that we are... :P

I can't even care to correct my spelling anymore.

Perfectionism = Just-the-other-side-of-not-caring.

Take that, heritage. :P

My dad was Samuel Wesley, my mum like Susanna.

A great team, they were.

And I'm Charles Wesley? :P

Now Playing: "Random Chords" by Soo Tian performed live in front of the computer on my Aunty Chris' Kapok Guitar. Dedicated to K'Own.